Salyan Rayonunun Kərimbəyli kəndinin məktəb direktoru Ramil Zeynalov ABŞ-da keçiriləcək elmi konfransa dəvət alıb…

Müstəqil.Az bildirir ki, ABŞ-nin New York şəhərində 19-23 Avqust 2019 -cu il tarixində təşkil olunacaq Elmi Konfrans keiçiriləcəkdir.
Konfransa dünyanın müxtəlif yerlərindən alimlər,elm adamları qatılacaq.
Aldığımız məlumata görə həmçinin Salyan Rayonunun H.Şahbazov adına Kərimbəyli kənd orta məktəbinin direktoru, SDU-nun gənc doktorantı Ramil Zeynalov da bu konfransa dəvət alıb.
Azərbaycan dilinin qrammatikası haqqinda bir həftə öncə ingilis dilində göndərdiyi məqaləsi hakimlər tərəfindən dəyərləndirilmiş və elektron kitab olaraq nəşrə göndərilmişdir.
Sosial şəbəkədə R.Zeynalovun özünün verdiyi məlumata əsasən o sevincini gizlədə bilmədən “Həyatımda ən xoş dəvət məktubunu aldım!” sözlərini xüsusi olaraq vurğulamışdır.
Ramil Zeynalova yaradıcılıq uğurları arzulayır, ölkəmizi hər yerdə layiqincə təmsil etməyi arzu edirik.


Məqaləni olduğu kimi təqdim edirik:

Ramil Sameddin Zeynalov

Ph.D. in Philology

Education Department of Salyan Region, Director of School

[email protected]  


The words of ancestors in Mahmud Kashgari’s work

“DIVANU-LUGAT-IT-TURK” and verbal combinations in the samples.


Due to the mentality of language, means that it expresses the processes in society, or rather, the reality. The reality, though, is embodied in the brain of all people in the same way, by different people is expressed differently. Language, which considers an expression tool of thought, can express the same meaning or event in a different way. We can express a child’s awakening in several ways: waking child, awakened child, waking up children, awakening of the child, ad etc. Human language is very rich for its expression capabilities. This richness is realized through different forms. The main means of expression of the human language realizes with the word combinations and sentences. In this meaning, study the syntax and its subject word combinations and sentences in terms of linguistics it has always been of interest. Formation of word combinations both components of compounds play a role, but the general affiliation of the word combination the main feature is determined by the centralized word that follows the combination. In this respect, they are usually divided into three groups: 1) compounds nous 2) verbal combination 3) adverb combinations. The verbal combination, as well as in Azerbaijan, in general, in Turkish languages assumes great importance. Depending side of verbal combinations although expressed in different parts of the speech, the main part is expressed by infinitive forms of verbs. The concept of verbal combination in Azerbaijani linguistics, including in Turkology, relatively later has begun to be researched. The study of verbal combination in Turkology began in the 1950s. For the first time, in Turkology the word combination as a special part of word combination widely has used by M.B.Balakayev. M.B.Balakayev considered the verbal combination as the non-predictive combination of verbs and other words, so he divided them into three main parts: 1) creating with the approach; 2) creating with the management; 3) creating with the helpful words. In the works of M.Kashgari, the ancestors words and in used words are rarely encountered. At that time, it showed that these types of compounds were still in the process of formation. Elig tutginca ot tut – I wish you hold a fire in your hand than hold in hand, Sachratghudın korkmush qush kıqk yıl adhrı yıghac uze konmas a bird fearing a trap would be run for forty year but never sit in the tree, Suv kormeginche atuz tartma – do not take off your shoes until you see the water, Kara munq kelmeginche Kara Yalgha kechme – Do not cross the Black Yalgas unless you have not any troubles.

Keywords: word combination, verbal combination, Mahmud Kashghari

Aysel Səfərli

